Broadway Seniors
Having common ground through a lifetime of experiences and stories, getting together to share laughter and have fun in each others’ company is valued as we navigate a life of faith.
Quilting happens every Tuesday afternoon from 1:00p.m. - approximately 4:00p.m.
Our ladies get together each week to sew and stitch quilts for M.C.C. who distribute them where they’ve identified the need. Each year roughly 300 quilts are made right here at Broadway. Whether you are an avid quilter or would like to learn, you are welcome. The ladies stitch together, have a short devotional and prayer time over coffee and goodies they take turns bringing. All ages welcome.
Every Thursday 9:30-11:30A.M.
Come to the Broadway gym and have fun bowling together.
Enjoy a snack and coffee time as well. All ages welcome.