Encouragement from Viola Kaethler

“She who sacrifices thank offerings honors Me, and she prepares the way so that I may show her the salvation of God.” Psalm 50:23. This is a verse that encourages me with hope, and challenges me. I have so much to be thankful for, and I desire to be a grateful and positive person. I don’t always succeed at this. It’s a choice I get to and try to make, because it puts me in a great position of yielding to the work of the Lord in and through my circumstances, that he may bring ‘salvation’ into them. It honors him when I sacrifice my praise to him (the sacrifice aspect is usually more in the challenging experiences). This is encouraging because it indicates that this kind of attitude opens up the door to the continued work of God.

The last ‘season’ of my life has had its share of emotional and physical challenges for me, at points I have wearied even with understanding myself, trying to find more equilibrium at points, and tiring of injuries and set-backs on various fronts. But in my weaknesses, I have found strength when I have allowed myself to receive God’s grace. I don’t have to have it all together, or appear to always be strong, I can be in the position of needing at times to be ‘carried on the stretcher by my friends to Jesus’ as it were. While Jesus said that it is more blessed to give than to receive, I see the teaching of receiving, which has to start with acknowledging how much I am in need, to be paramount beginning and ongoing steps for us, and sometimes it’s the harder position to be in than the one in the seat of strength, enabling us to be the ‘giver’. I am grateful that God is in control, that I can rest in what he’s doing in my life that I can’t always see or understand, but I know he loves me, and I in turn demonstrate my love by entrusting myself to him, trusting him that he is a good, good Father, and by giving my offerings of thanks to him.

My precious Mom passed away in early January, and I am currently preparing to go to Winnipeg very soon along with members of my family, to lay her remains to rest in the grave next to my Dad. (Something we were not able to do at that time.) I am continually grateful for the example of my Mom (and Dad) in choosing to trust the Lord all the days of her life (all the way to just short of 100 years) and for her positive and gracious spirit. She has been a wonderful encouragement to me in this.

When my experiences feel like weakness and failure, I am encouraged by what the Lord said to Paul: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9. I am so grateful for the Grace that He continues to pour out, and I want to keep trusting Him for that in the future.


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