Global Missions
Broadway supports a number of long-term Missionaries and Ministries around the world. We are grateful for opportunities to share Jesus’ love and serve his people wherever our feet take us.
Broadway Missionaries
Chad, Mary & Tatyana Martz
Chad and Mary serve with Hungry for Life in Ukraine along side their daughter Tatyana. They work with Gypsies, orphans, widows, rehabilitants, handicapped, refugees, and poor families. Most recently, they are on the ground in Ukraine to assist the people in practical ways, with food and shelter, as they face homelessness and trauma due to the ongoing war with Russia.
Cynthia Friesen
Cynthia is serving with Multiply in Chiang Mai, Thailand along side her son Maceo. Team Chiang Mai is focused on facilitating strategies for church planting, training new workers, resourcing Khmu and Thai pastors, and reaching out to youth in the juvenile detention center. One of Cynthia's main ministries is working with women from a juvenile detention center. She spends time at the center building relationships with the girls and then helps run "Freedom Textiles" a place where girls can come after they are released to learn how to work and take care of themselves in a loving environment.
Josh & Esther Parpatt
Josh and Esther are serving with YWAM in South Africa. They have two children, a son, Gabriel and daughter, Noa.
Josh and Esther are working with YWAM in a member care capacity. The YWAM base where they work has a specific vision to see young African leaders empowered to go into the world and share the gospel.
Ricky & Karen Sanchez
Ricky & Karen are serving with YWAM in Thailand along side their four daughters, Sierra, Tassanee, McKenna and Aree. Ricky & Karen have served in S.E. Asia for 25+ years! They have a vision to train and raise up the next generation of leaders in Thailand, Cambodia and North America.
Their theme… “To know God and make Him known”.
Ken & Yvonne Wiebe
Ken & Yvonne are serving with Christians in Action in numerous countries in Africa and the UK. In the 80's & 90's Ken and Yvonne lived in Freetown, Sierra Leone for 17 years with their three sons. They planted churches and discipled young believers until they were evacuated in 1995. Then in 1997 they moved to London, where they were in a position to provide logistical support to their Sierra Leonean colleagues. They are also now working in part with SOMA, a British Anglican renewal ministry and travel to other countries in Africa; primarily Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Tanzania.
Courtney Anderson
Courtney is serving with The Wanted Children Foundation located in Southeast Nigeria. Courtney works with the Children’s Home and its school Homestead Alternative Academy. There are 14 children that have been rescued, and who not only LIVE, but are exceeding in all areas of life.
Lydia Willms
Lydia Willms is serving here in Chilliwack, with Hungry For Life. She produces, films and edits various videos shot both here in the Fraser Valley and sent in from the international teams on the field. She is passionate about spreading the gospel story and sharing personal testimonies through video production and she believes its a beautiful way to connect with people globally!
Marcel Bal
Marcel Bal is serving in Peru with WYCLIFFE Bible Translators. He is living with a Peruvian family while he's there, improving his Spanish, as well as studying the Yanehsa’ language so he can translate the Bible for the Yanehsa’ people.
Russ & Marj Speiser
Russ & Marjorie Speiser are serving with YWAM in France.
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